Feb 2, 2009


A virus scanner is the most common tool for prevention. This utility attempts to scan a computer program before it runs, and if it recognizes the signature of a malicious code, it shuts it down. Many scanners also evaluate programs to determine if it contains any virus-related characteristics.

The best way to stop viruses is to use common sense. If an executable computer program is attached to your e-mail and you are unsure of the source, then it should be deleted immediately. Do not download any applications or executable files from unknown sources, and be careful when trading files with other users.

• Two of the biggest concerns for computer users today are viruses and spyware. In both cases, we have seen that while these can be a problem you can defend yourself against them easily enough with just a little bit of planning:

• Keep your computer’s software patched and current. Both your operating system and your anti- virus application must be updated on a regular basis.

• Only download updates from reputable sources. For Windows operating systems, always go to http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com and for other software always use the legitimate Web sites of the company or person who produces it.

• Always think before you install something, weigh the risks and benefits, and be aware of the fine print. Does the lengthy license agreement that you don’t want to read conceal a warning that you are about to install spyware?

• Install and use a firewall. If you are running Windows XP you can use the built-in software firewall under Control Panel, and there are free versions of firewalls that work on all versions of Windows.

• Prevention is always better than cure.

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